
Selling Commander is an ULTIMATE bulk product/order manager tool for VrtueMart and many other platforms like WooCommerce, GCM, Instagram, Facebook...
This is a Selling Commander platform connector package for Joomla(3 & 4 ) / VirtueMart

  • Manage products, import, export, find-replace, mass operations.
  • Manage orders, export, find-replace, mass operations.
  • B2B panel ability

Selling Commander offers a state-of-the-art user-friendly excel-like spreadsheet interface for all end-points it supports (Product Manager, Order Manager, B2B panel). Once loaded Selling Commander interface is very fast and locating data happens in a blink. For comparison, if you would export data of some massive catalog that glides when you manage it from the Selling Commander interface on-line in popular apps like MS Excel or Open Office it will be slow and maybe even crash because of high memory load.

Each end-point manager has powerful filtering abilities – you can filter by anything, even calculated columns or columns that you connect to data added by other plugins/extensions.

Each end-point manager has powerful data management abilities. You can virtually program your rule for mass price change. You can use mass Find/Replace, Append, and Prepend for any text field.

You can export to CSV/XLSX. You can import from CSV/XSLX/ODS. Import even has a preview changes screen which is a unique feature among such online used tools.

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