Plugin to display images in the back-end Article and Category lists, making it easy to see which items have images or not.
Available Languages
- English (en-GB)
- Dutch (nl-NL)
- French (fr-FR)
- German (de-DE)
- Spanish (es-ES)
Install like any other Joomla 4 or Joomla 5 plugin.
After installation, configure the plugin via:
- System > Plugins > select Content - db8 Backend
Content Images
- Under Backend Article Images
configure if you want
to display Intro Images from Articles (or placeholder) and the
maximum width and height.
- Under Backend Category Images
configure if you want
to display Category Images (or placeholder) and the maximum width
and height.
- Save the plugin
In the backend lists of Categories and Articles will display an image (or placeholder) if they contain any.
Read more https://extensions.joomla.org/browse/new/extension/administration/db8-backend-content-images