Danh Bạ Giải Trí This is the central station for all dinning, food, drinks and entertainment spots around the big cities in Vietnam. User can browse though the latest listing or search with their keyword. The outstanding point of the site is the capability for users to setup filters of their own. They can select type of food, style of the place, origin of the... Danh Bạ Giải Trí This is the central station for all dinning, food, drinks and entertainment spots around the big cities in Vietnam. User can browse though the latest listing or search with their keyword. The outstanding point of the site is the capability for users to setup filters of their own. They can select type of food, style of the place, origin of the food... The site is a mood-with-food place. So we do not serve hungry folks but we serve those who are having a question in mind "What do we have for dinner tonight?" or "Where to take my girlfriend to a weekend night-out?".

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