Pizza, PBF Bugs, PBF and Fun PBFPBF

July 12th, 2013 is our next PBF event and we'd love for you to be a part of it.

  • The key goal is to fix as many Joomla 3 and Joomla 2.5 bugs as possible.
  • The event is all-day global event for virtual participants, with local venues wherever they are organized.
  • The event is open both businesses

Pizza, PBF Bugs, PBF and Fun PBFPBF

July 12th, 2013 is our next PBF event and we'd love for you to be a part of it.

  • The key goal is to fix as many Joomla 3 and Joomla 2.5 bugs as possible.
  • The event is all-day global event for virtual participants, with local venues wherever they are organized.
  • The event is open both businesses and individuals.

More information is available below.

Training Session


Training session dates and times will be announced on or before June 15th, 2013.

Event Info

PBF more

When and where is this taking place?

Official info here.


We've dubbed the event as a Business PBF, since it's our first PBF on a weekday (Friday) and we'd like to get more business involved. We've created badges that you can use on your sites to spread awareness of the event and get recognition for your participation.

Furthermore, we'd like to give you more recognition and highlight your pledge of participation by placing your logo and a link to your site on this landing page.

There are three participations levels: Platinum, Gold, and Silver. Platinum is for 10 hours or more pledged to the event. Gold is four hours or more pledged. Silver is pledged to participate in the event.

So, for example, if Company ABC had five of their developers for two hours, then they could use the Platinum badge and have their logo (and link) in the platinum area on the landing page.

The hours you choose to pledge towards the event is totally up to you as an individual or business. As bonus, if you write a blog post about the event, you can count it as 30 minutes towards your pledge. So if you pledged 5 hours and write a blog post, you'd be helping at the event for 4.5 hours.

Finally, on the day of the event, come and go as you'd like and fulfill your pledged hours. You can help with testing bug fixes, reporting bugs, coding bug fixes, etc. Most of all, enjoy every minute! Have fun, enjoy the fellowship, learn, and make Joomla better for you, your business, your clients, and your friends.

Credits and special thanks to

Joomla! Bug Squad (JBS)
Nick Savov
Designer for landing page
Developer for landing page
Janich Rasmussen
Designer for badges

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