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The April JCP monthly team meeting was held on April 21st, 2021 at 18:00 (UTC) using Google Meet.
Attendees:Chris Keen (TL), Jeroen Moolenschot
Absent with
apologies: Luca
Guest: Jaz Parkyn (Dept. Co-ordinator) - not
The team discussed the following topics (documents / proposals)
...Date: April 22, 2021
Time: 17:00 UTC
Total time of meeting: 1 hour 30 minutes
Brian Mitchell (President), Luca Marzo (Secretary), Radek Suski (Treasurer), Marco Dings (Director), David Opati Aswani (Director), Hugh Douglas-Smith (Director), Jaz Parkyn (Director), Wilco Alsemgeest (Director).
Justine Ayebale Abunyanga (Vice President), Marianela Queme (Director).
Luca Marzo served as proxy for Justine Ayebale Abunyanga.
Radek shared the bank balances as of today.
Attendees: Patrick Jackson, Sandra Decoux, Luca Marzo, Andrea Gentil
Date: April 23, 2021
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Participants: Patrick Jackson, Laura Gordon, Benjamin Trenkle, Philip Walton, Shirielle Williams,
Apologies: Luca Marzo, Jaz Parkyn, Davide Messia, Llewellyn van der Merwe,
Absent without notice: Chris Keen, Mark Bender, Hugh Douglas-Smith, Niels Braczek, Marianela Queme, Hugh Douglas-Smith, Marco Dings, David Aswani
Meeting started 13:00 UTC
For a second month in a row, the VET team’s been distracted from VET tasks by their involvement in various other Joomla activities:
JoomlaDay USA: Laura, Shirielle
GSoC: Philip, Benjamin, Llewellyn, Patrick, Shirielle
Events & JUG Teams: Shirielle, Philip, Benjamin, David A, Laura,