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As Christmas draws nearer we end the year with Uniq, our December 2015 release. This elegant, clean theme includes three custom widgets, different layouts for the main navigation and a number of additional theme specific options. Its extreme versatility is reflected in the sophisticated style variations. Each style is thematically matched to a different industry, for example a bakery or a wedding website.
Uniq features its own custom version of the new Slideshow Panel widget. Unlike the ordinary Slideshow it allows you to place content next to the image instead of displaying it in an overlay. The Uniq Slideshow Panel has a rounded content border overlaying the image and an animated button for the link.
The custom Gallery Uniq widget includes a special overlay effect, similar to the one in the Slideshow Panel. The new slideshow lightbox option creates a fullscreen modal, presenting content and image side by side. Additional content can be displayed here as well as a second image instead of an enlarged version.
Another new member in the Widgetkit family is the Switcher Panel, also represented as a custom widget in this theme. It places the image in a teaser alignment at the top of the panel with an overlaying navigation to switch through the different content panes. The custom Uniq Switcher Panel provides a heading for the tabbed navigation.
The main navigation of Uniq theme supports the the latest UIkit Sticky and Smooth Scroll component features. This combination offers you the possibility to use Uniq as a slim one-pager as well as a more complex site. Additionally, you are able to choose from 3 different navigation layouts in the Warp administration.
Another little gimmick is the .tm-timeline-avatar
class. It applies a circle shape and a border to images and moves
it up by 80px. This is great to integrate an avatar or similar into
a vertically split layout, evenly placed between the top and bottom
half. You can see this in the About section of our theme demo.
Of course we wouldn't skip the opportunity to create a custom blog layout for this theme. It places each article inside a panel with the featured image attached to the top border like a teaser.
You can find a comprehensive list of all features here[1]. And you will also soon find answers from our support to your Frequently Asked Questions[2].
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One of our users was accidentally locked out of his Joomla administrator by Admin Tools. He had triggered a strict security feature in Admin Tools that denied him access, even though he was a super user.
The error he received was this:
I'm going show you two methods to disable Admin Tools. This will allow you to login again in the admin area of Joomla, fix the issue, then reenable Admin Tools.
By using an FTP client like FileZilla[1] or through cPanel File manager[2]:
Now login in the administrator area to confirm the fix is indeed working.
Once you are logged into your site, make sure to fix the issue that prevented you from logging on. This fix is normally done via Components > Admin Tools > Web Application Firewall.
Once you have fixed the problem, you can revert the changes you made via Method #1 or Method #2.
About the author
Valentín creates beautiful designs from amongst the tequila plants of Jalisco, Mexico. You can see Valentín's design work all over this site and you can often find him helping members in our support forum.
One of our users asked for a way to exclude the visits that his employees make to his website from Google Analytics.
In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to add a filter to exclude visits from Google Analytics based on your IP address.
Select your site. In my example I'm choosing my personal website:
One thing to note is that this solution is better for large offices with a static IP address. If you are working from home, your IP address may change regularly. In that case, try getting a WordPress plugin, Drupal module or Joomla extension that will exclude your administrator visits.
About the author
Valentín creates beautiful designs from amongst the tequila plants of Jalisco, Mexico. You can see Valentín's design work all over this site and you can often find him helping members in our support forum.
I'm going to show you how to create a video gallery on your Joomla site.
OSYouTube[1] is the best Joomla plugin for embedding YouTube videos. Template overrides is the best way to safely change the design of your site.
We're going to use OSYouTube and template overrides to create a stylish grid of videos.
First, let's create a category. In my example I'm going to call it "Videos":
Now, let's create articles assigned to the new category:
We will use a small CSS framework we built for Simple Renew, one of our Joomla extensions.
* @package Joomla.Site
* @subpackage mod_articles_news
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2015 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
JHtml::_('stylesheet', 'templates/' . $app->getTemplate() . '/html/mod_articles_news/css/grid.css');
JHtml::_('stylesheet', 'templates/' . $app->getTemplate() . '/html/mod_articles_news/css/grid-responsive.css');
$columns_ = 3;
$count_ = 1;
<div class="ost-container <?php echo $moduleclass_sfx; ?>">
foreach ($list as $item) :
if ($count_%$columns_ == 1) echo '<div class="ost-section">';
<div class="block<?php echo round(12 / $columns_); ?>">
<?php require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_articles_news', '_item'); ?>
if ($count_%$columns_ == 0) echo '</div>';
if ($count_%$columns_ != 1) echo '</div>';
From the PHP file, the following code will load the two CSS files that will provide grid and responsive support:
JHtml::_('stylesheet', 'templates/' . $app->getTemplate() . '/html/mod_articles_news/css/grid.css');
JHtml::_('stylesheet', 'templates/' . $app->getTemplate() . '/html/mod_articles_news/css/grid-responsive.css');
$columns_ is a variable to control the opening and closing tags dynamically. Change the value to display a different number of columns per row; in our example we will display 3 columns and each one will contain a video.
$columns_ = 3;
Print the CSS class depending on the value assigned to $columns_. It would generate classes such as "block4" (3 columns), "block6" (2 columns), "block3" (4 columns), etc.
<div class="block<?php echo round(12 / $columns_); ?>">
The structure of the files should look like this:
Set the params as in the screenshot below:
Go to the front of your site to check out how it looks, the content will update automatically thanks to the Newsflash module:
About the author
Valentín creates beautiful designs from amongst the tequila plants of Jalisco, Mexico. You can see Valentín's design work all over this site and you can often find him helping members in our support forum.
Welcome to the third post in our series about Widgetkit, the Joomla toolkit from YOOtheme.
In the previous post[1], we created some widgets to show photo galleries and maps. In this post, I'm going to show you how to create more widgets, including Twitter integration, a Grid Stack display of articles and a slideshow.
By default Widgetkit allow you to pull from all core Joomla data sources. If you use a CCK like K2 or Zoo (YOOtheme’s own CCK), Widgetkit will discover these automatically and allow them to be used as a source.[2]
Some extension developers also provide Widgetkit integrations: Zoolander[3] is one example.
You can even build your own integrations if you’re skilled enough: the Yootheme documentation[4] provides some examples.
Twitter is Widgetkit data source, which means that you can display your Tweets in any format you would like, simply by selecting a presentation type. Let’s keep things simple for this example and use a Grid, which is probably the most appropriate use for Twitter.
In my case this resulted in a nice grid of 4 columns, nicely displaying the latest Tweets with images attached. Even in my Protostar template this gives me a really nice view:
Now we are actually going to use Widgetkit to display some articles in an elegant way.
First, you need some existing articles on your site. I just created 4 articles with some dummy text and an intro image from the demo images supplied with every Joomla install.
This will give us a display where the articles are shown in rows, with the image either aligned left and right.
The Content settings are really easy now, as I already have my content in Joomla. I just have to specify the category from which I want to pull the articles. I can also specify how many articles I want to show, how they are ordered and what the mappings are:
Again we use the Settings tab to tell Widgetkit how are widget needs to be formatted. Most of the defaults are often fine, or enough to use as a start. In this case, I did some minor tweaks by setting a fixed size for the images to obtain a standard look (which nicely crops a portion of the images, with aspect ratio intact).
The only thing I would like to be added to Widgetkit is the ability to set the Read More setting from the widget. Currently it simple respects the Read More that you choose in the Joomla article.
In the third example, I'm going to use the same set of articles that I used to create the Grid Stack, but now I am going to build a Slideshow:
Create a new widget, select your Joomla Category again and build the layout from the Settings tab again. I mainly left the defaults as they were, except for a Thumbnail navigation. In this case this resulted in a very nice display of my articles in a slideshow with the image as a background and the text in an overlay. The images of the other articles are used as the navigation between the articles in the slideshow:
You see, 2 completely different layouts from the same source. Just as easily, you can build Tabbed navigations or a Parallax module. Also, these layouts were created extremely easily and quickly, in just a few minutes.
Good luck with building your own Widgetkit widgets!
About the author
Simon Kloostra works as a webdesigner for his own company SK-Web in Utrecht, the Netherlands, specializing in Joomla and SEO. Also he is the author of, a popular blog about optimizing Joomla for search engines and fast performance.