I quite usually need to use methods of Joomla's JIRI static class. And I always switch JURI::base() with JURI::root(). So I make this post to make clear which method does what. I hope I save time to myself in the future, maybe someone else ass well. And maybe, I finally memorize it but I don't give much hope to this one. I explain it at this


I quite usually need to use methods of Joomla's JIRI static class. And I always switch JURI::base() with JURI::root(). So I make this post to make clear which method does what. I hope I save time to myself in the future, maybe someone else ass well. And maybe, I finally memorize it but I don't give much hope to this one. I explain it at this website to make it clear.

Read more https://www.escope.cz/en/blog/106-joomla-juri-explained-with-examples

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