Issue #107 - November 30, 2012 All being well, this will be the last issue I (Peter Cooper) will be editing in full for a while as next week a new editor will be revealed. I'll still be here, though, contributing the odd link, ensuring expectations are met, and filling in for the occasional issue. I thnk I'm bowing out with a good one :-) - Peter C. Featured Oracle Proposes New Native JavaScript Engine for OpenJDK
Oracle has proposed Nashorn, an implementation of a high-performance JavaScript runtime that would run on the JVM natively.
Major New Revision (Rev 12) of the ECMAScript 6 Draft Spec is Out
A major revision that takes the first step at reforming the internal Meta-Object Protocol (the “internal methods”) and extending it to support Proxies. Lots of shuffling around too.
The Node Toolbox: Categorized Index of Node (npm) Modules
Browse Node modules by category, see how popular they are, submit your own, etc.
Firefox Beta Adds IonMonkey to Improve JavaScript Performance
Explanation of JSConf US 2013's Ticket Sales / Availability
From our Sponsor Frontend Masters Memberships, Coming Soon! Master frontend dev with in-depth workshop training videos featuring 50+ hours of intense education with industry leaders in frontend development. JavaScirpt Weekly readers will get early access to our membership site. Reading Computer Science in JavaScript: Quicksort
Nicholas C Zakas continues his always insightful 'Computer Science in JavaScript' series with a look at the popular quicksort algorithm, how it works, and how to get it going in JavaScript. Be sure to check out the first comment too.
Breakpoint Actions in JavaScript
Brian Arnold shares a very cunning trick to get Chrome's developer tools to print out the live value of expressions at a certain point in JavaScript code you're debugging.
Object Modeling in Node.js with Mongoose
MongoDB and Node.js are often used together because of their shared use of JavaScript and JSON. Mongoose is an object data modeling (ODM) library that provides a rigorous modelling environment for your data, enforcing structure as needed while still maintaining flexibility that makes MongoDB powerful.
How to Build Chrome Apps with AngularJS
A guide to getting started building packaged Chrome apps with the AngularJS MVC framework. Uses a Google app, the 'Google Drive Uploader', to demonstrate the concepts involved.
Learn JavaScript Concepts With Recent DevTools Features
Peter Rybin and Paul Irish of the Chrome DevTools team demonstrate how you can explore some of JavaScript's core concepts using new Chrome DevTools features for analyzing function scope and internal properties.
Quora: Which One of AngularJS and Ember.js Is The Better Choice?
As always, it depends.
Async JavaScript: Build More Responsive Apps with Less Code [book]
Trevor Burnham's previously self published book is now under the Pragmatic Programmers' umbrella and has been completely edited and revised.
Backbone And Kendo UI: A Beautiful Combination
Building and Testing JavaScript with GruntJS
Code and Libraries Continuum: An ES6 Virtual Machine Built in JavaScript
An intriguing experiment that parses code using Esprima, compiles an AST to bytecode, then runs it in a special ES3-level interpreter. Claims to support nearly the full, existing 400+ page ES6 spec. Very clever stuff from Brandon Benvie.
Telescope: An Open-Source Social News App Built With Meteor
A Hacker News/Reddit-style social bookmark/news app built using the Meteor JavaScript framework. Very attractive results.
RubyJS: A JavaScript Standard Library Based on the Core Ruby Classes
A JavaScript implementation (interpretation, perhaps?) of some of Ruby's core classes, such as Array, String, and Time, and their methods.
Aware.js: Make Your Site 'Reader Aware'
A simple jQuery plugin to customize and personalize the display of content based on a reader's behavior without requiring login, authentication, or server-side processing.
Node v0.8.15 (stable) Released
simpleCart: A JavaScript Shopping Cart
Designed to be easy to integrate with existing sites and provide 'ecommerce in minutes.'
Torus: A Fun JavaScript Demo on JSFiddle
A fun 'spinning torus' demo on JSFiddle that shows off a lot of ideas in little code. Some interesting obfuscation of the JavaScript code at play here too.
AngularJS Example Applications
Explanations of and links to 4 AngularJS applications whose source code you can learn from.
tabIndent.js: Enhance Plain Textboxes with 'Tabbing' Behavior
gator.js: Small, Simple Event Delegation in JavaScript
Parsimmon: A Monadic LL(infinity) Parser Combinator Library for JS
UA-Parser.js: Lightweight JavaScript-based User Agent String Parser
Parsy: Tiny Command Line Options Parser for Node.js in CoffeeScript
Noduino: Control Arduino with Node.js, WebSockets and HTML5
Jobs Node.js developer for an open source project at Zendesk [San Francisco] We're looking to push the envelope with Radar, Zendesk's open source real-time presence and notification backend. Radar is a fundamental part of Zendesk's single page application and you'll get great exposure to our entire Javascript stack along the way. Blazing Cloud is looking for software artisans to join us in handcrafting beautiful mobile experiences. We are looking for people who believe in a whole product-approach and agile development practices, and have a strong sense of quality. User interface engineer in Amsterdam. Join our small team on a mission. We believe that web apps can be delightful. Do you have experience with MVC-style UI programming for the web or other platforms? Do you love new cool stuff like CoffeeScript, AngularJS and modern browsers? Read our story after the click. Last but not least.. Dune 2 Online: Ported from DOS to the Web with Emscripten
Must admit to being a bit biased here as this was my first ever real time strategy game back in 1992.. but it's also another great demonstration of how powerful Alon Zakai's Emscripten LLVM-to-JavaScript compiler is getting.