A New String Helper, Assert Enums in AssertableJson, and more in Laravel 11.20

The Laravel team released v11.20 this week, including a new collection method, a deduplicate string method, the ability to use Enums with AssertableJson, and more.

Add collapseWithKeys to Collection

Jason McCreary contributed a collapseWithKeys() method to the Illuminate\Support\Collection class that collapses nested arrays while preserving their keys:

$c = collect([[1 => 'a'], [3 => 'c'], [2 => 'b']]);
    1 => "a",
    3 => "c",
    2 => "b",

Add deduplicate to strings

Jason McCreary contributed a deduplicate string helper that replaces consecutive occurrences of a character with a character:

Str::deduplicate('random  double  spaces'); // 'random double spaces'
Str::deduplicate('/some//odd/path//', '/'); // '/some/odd/path/'
(string) str('zondaaaa')->deduplicate('a'); // 'zonda'

Allow Custom View Path When Making Components

Andrew Brown contributed the ability to define a --path flag when you need to create the view path in a custom file location:

php artisan make:component Foo --path custom/path

By default, the make:component command will continue to use the resources/views/components folder.

Introduce a MixFileNotFoundException Exception Class

Ihor Vereshchynskyi contributed a new MixFileNotFoundException class to handle missing Mix files. This exception provides a more precise error-handling mechanism when this exception gets thrown.

Allow enums to be passed to AssertableJson where methods

Patrick O'Meara contributed the ability to use Enums while using where* methods with AssertableJson instances:

// Before
fn (AssertableJson $json) => $json->where('role', UserRole::Developer->value)

// After
fn (AssertableJson $json) => $json->where('role', UserRole::Developer)

Prompt to Create a Markdown Template When Making Notifications

Christoph Rumpel updated the make:notification command to prompt for creating an optional markdown view when you don't provide any initial input:

php artisan make:notification

You will get the following prompts to select a markdown view for your notification class:

Markdown view prompts in the make:notification command
Markdown view prompts in the make:notification command

Add stackContains() and hiddenStackContains() Methods to Context Stacks

@lessevv contributed the ability to check if a value (or hidden value) is contained in a context stack. Here are a few examples from Pull Request #52346:

// Normal
Context::push('foo', 'bar', 'lorem');

Context::stackContains('foo', 'bar'); // true
Context::stackContains('foo', 'lorem'); // true
Context::stackContains('foo', 'doesNotExist'); // false

// Hidden
Context::pushHidden('foo', 'bar', 'lorem');

Context::hiddenStackContains('foo', 'bar'); // true
Context::hiddenStackContains('foo', 'lorem'); // true
Context::hiddenStackContains('foo', 'doesNotExist'); // false

Inverse Fake Queue Assertion Methods

Günther Debrauwer contributed assertNotDeleted, assertNotFailed, and assertNotReleased assertions to the queue that you can use to assert the inverse of these methods:

use App\Jobs\ProcessPodcast;
$job = (new ProcessPodcast)->withFakeQueueInteractions();


Make Facade::isFake() Public

Caleb White contributed an update to the isFake() method, making the visibility public:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Bus;

Bus::isFake(); // false
Bus::isFake(); // true

Release notes

You can see the complete list of new features and updates below and the diff between 11.19.0 and 11.20.0 on GitHub. The following release notes are directly from the changelog:


The post A New String Helper, Assert Enums in AssertableJson, and more in Laravel 11.20 appeared first on Laravel News.

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