Prepare your Laravel app for the cloud

The recent announcements at LaraconUS have sparked a renewed interest in cloud-based deployments within the Laravel community. As the debate continues on how to deploy your apps, one thing is clear: the cloud is becoming a more viable option for Laravel users.

In this article, we'll explore how to prepare your Laravel app for deployment in a cloud environment using FrankenPHP, Caddy, Dockerfiles, and finally deploying it to Sevalla.

So where do we start? In the local environment of course! 🤓

Local development environment

For the sake of simplicity, we'll assume you have a fresh Laravel app installed on your local machine, which connects to a PostgreSQL database to read/write some data.

Before we move on, make sure you have a .env file in your project root with the following content:



Once that's verified, we can start building. 🤓 ☕️

It's always a good idea to have a local development environment that closely resembles your production environment. This way, you can catch any issues early on and avoid surprises when you deploy your app in production.

To mimic the production setup we're going to use, we'll rely on Docker and Docker Compose. If you don't have Docker installed on your machine, you can download it from the official website.

Running Laravel without the database

First off, create a new file called compose.yml in the root of your Laravel project and add the following content:


    image: dunglas/frankenphp:php8.3-alpine
    command: php artisan serve --host --port 8080
      - 8080:8080
      - .:/app

This configuration file defines a service called php that uses the dunglas/frankenphp:php8.3-alpine image, which is a lightweight FrankenPHP image that includes necessary extensions to run a Laravel app. We also expose port 8080 to access the app from the host machine.

To test your configuration, try running the following command in your terminal:

docker compose up [-d]

You should see a Laravel error page explaining the connection was not established to the database because of a missing driver when you navigate to in your browser. This is expected as we haven't connected our Laravel app to a database yet.

Awesome, so far we've configured our Laravel app to be served by a FrankenPHP runtime running php artisan serve.

Next, let's connect our local app with a PostgreSQL database!

Running Laravel with the database

To connect your Laravel app to a PostgreSQL database, we'll need to do a couple of things.

First, we need to set the following environment variables in your .env file:


DB_PORT=5432 # default PostgreSQL port

Following that, you'll need to add new services to your compose.yml file, and create a custom Dockerfile for your dev environment. Create and update the files with the following content:

FROM dunglas/frankenphp:php8.3-alpine

RUN install-php-extensions pdo_pgsql is only meant to be used by your local/development environment, and it extends the dunglas/frankenphp:php8.3-alpine image to include the pdo_pgsql extension, which is required to connect to a PostgreSQL database.


    command: php artisan migrate
        condition: service_healthy
      - .:/app
      context: .
    command: php artisan serve --host --port 8080
      - 8080:8080
        condition: service_completed_successfully
      - .:/app
    image: postgres:16.4-alpine
      POSTGRES_USER: admin
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password
      POSTGRES_DB: main
      - /var/lib/postgresql/data
      test: pg_isready -U $$POSTGRES_USER -d $$POSTGRES_DB
      interval: 1s

There is a lot going on here, let's take a look at what has changed and why:

  1. We've updated the php service to use a custom Dockerfile called to build a new image that includes the necessary extensions to connect to a PostgreSQL database.
  2. We've added a new service called db that uses the postgres:16.4-alpine image to run a PostgreSQL database. We've also defined some environment variables to set up the database user, password, and database name.
  3. We've created a new volume called db_data to persist the data in the database on your machine, and Docker could reuse it when you restart the services.
  4. A new service called init was also added that reuses This image is used to run the php artisan migrate command to run your database migrations. The depends_on key ensures that the db service is up and running before the migrations are run.
  5. The php service now depends on the init service to ensure that the database migrations are run before the Laravel app starts.
  6. We've added a health check to the db service to ensure that the PostgreSQL database is up and running before the init service runs the migrations.

To test your configuration, run the following command in your terminal:

docker compose up --build

Your application should now be connecting to your PostgreSQL database, and your database migrations are always run. 🎉

Your local envnironment is now ready to mimic your production environment. You can now develop your app locally and test a really similar setup you'll use in production.

Preparing for production

It's time to make the necessary changes for your production environment.

The first step is to tell Docker which directories it can safely ignore when building the production image. Create a new file called .dockerignore in the root of your Laravel project and add the following content:



This file tells Docker to ignore the vendor, bootstrap/cache, and tests directories.

Then, create a Dockerfile that will be used to build your production image:


FROM dunglas/frankenphp:php8.3-alpine


RUN install-php-extensions @composer pdo_pgsql


COPY . .

RUN composer install \
  --ignore-platform-reqs \
  --optimize-autoloader \
  --prefer-dist \
  --no-interaction \
  --no-progress \

This Dockerfile is similar to the we created earlier, but it includes a few additional steps:

  1. As the FrankenPHP image uses Caddy as the default web server, we've set the SERVER_NAME environment variable to :8080 to instruct Caddy to listen on port 8080.
  2. We install the @composer PHP extension to install Composer in the image.
  3. composer install command is run to install the dependencies of your Laravel app.
  4. We've set the working directory to /app and copied the contents of your Laravel app to the image.

To test your changes in your local environment, you'll need to produce a production build of your app. Run the following command in your terminal:

docker build -t my-laravel-app .

This command builds a new Docker image called my-laravel-app based on the Dockerfile in the current directory.

To test your newly built production image, use the following command:

docker run -p 8080:8080 -e APP_KEY=<your-app-key> my-laravel-app

Replace <your-app-key> with the value of the APP_KEY environment variable in your .env file or grab a key from here.

Visit in your browser, and your app should start in production mode. It may error due to the lack of a database connection, but that's expected.

Deploying to the cloud

Now that you have a production-ready Docker image, you can deploy it to a cloud provider. 🚀

In this tutorial, we'll use Sevalla, a new cloud provider that offers a simple way to deploy Dockerfile-based deployments.

As your app depends on a PostgreSQL database, you're better off provisioning a new PostgreSQL database on Sevalla first. Once you're logged in the Sevalla dashboard,

  1. Navigate to the Create database modal
  2. Select PostgreSQL database
  3. Confirm the settings and create the database

Create database modal in Sevalla

Once your database is ready, you can create your Laravel app on Sevalla.

  1. Navigate to the Create app modal
  2. Select your app's repository from your preferred Git provider
  3. Make sure to select the same data-center your database is in
  4. Set the APP_KEY environment variable required by Laravel
  5. Select Dockerfile as build type
  6. Confirm the rest of the settings and hit "Deploy later" button

Create a Laravel app with Dockerfile on Sevalla

If your app is ready, you can now connect it with your PostgreSQL database.

  1. Navigate to the app's page
  2. Go to the "Network" tab
  3. Click on the "Add connection" button and select your PostgreSQL database
  4. Confirm the settings and hit "Connect"

Add internal connection

Then, set the following environment variables in the "Environment variables" tab with your database's connection details:


Application environment variables

We recommned using the internal network address of your database as the DB_HOST value. This way, your app can connect to the database over a private network.

The last step is to set up a Job process for your application to run the database mirgations before starting the app.

  1. Navigate to the "Processes" tab
  2. Click on the "Create process" button and select "Job"
  3. Set the command to php artisan migrate --force
  4. Set the start policy to "Before deployment"
  5. Confirm the settings and hit "Create"

Create a Job process

If this is also done, you can now initiate a manual deployment of your app in the Deployments tab. 🎉

If all went well, congrats! You've successfully prepared your Laravel app for the cloud. 🚀


In this article, we've explored:

  • How to setup your local environment to mimic your production environment using Docker and docker compose.
  • How to prepare your Laravel app for deployment in a cloud environment using Docker, FrankenPHP, and Caddy.
  • We've also covered how to deploy your app to a cloud provider like Sevalla.

By following these steps, you can take your Laravel app to new heights and enjoy the benefits of cloud-based deployments. 🌤

The post Prepare your Laravel app for the cloud appeared first on Laravel News.

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