Wirechat - Laravel Livewire chat package

Wirechat is a new and powerful Laravel Livewire chat package created by Namu Makwembo that brings real-time private and group communication to your application.

Key Features

  1. Realtime Messaging and Search
  2. Built with Livewire components
  3. Ideal for teams and communities as you can create groups, edit members, add admins, edit group permissions and more.
  4. Smart message deletion that won't interrupt the entire conversation for other users.
  5. Share media and other attachments
  6. Reply to messages, files and attachments in the conversation
  7. Customizable Theme (including Dark mode)


Before you install this package, ensure you are running:

  • PHP version 8.1 or later
  • Laravel version 10 or later
  • Livewire version 3.2.3 or later

To install this package, run:

composer require namu/wirechat

Then publish the config and migration files, as well as symlink the storage directory for shared media and attachments:

php artisan wirechat:install

Next, run the migrations:

php artisan migrate

This package also depends on queues and web sockets using Laravel Reverb. So also ensure those are setup and running before starting your application.

php artisan install:broadcasting
php artisan reverb:start
php artisan queue:work --queue=messages,default

To begin using WireChat, ensure you integrate the Chatable trait into the models you want to enable for chatting.

use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use Namu\WireChat\Traits\Chatable;

class User extends Authenticatable
      use Chatable;


Now you should be able to navigate to /chats in your application, search for and select a user to start a conversation with.

Options are also available for you to programmatically start chats, send messages, etc.

You can learn more about this package in the documentation and also view the source code on GitHub.

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