
Instant login with Yandex ID
The service helps you log in in a couple of clicks - without passwords and long profiles. And you will receive up-to-date mail and phone number of the user

More potential buyers
According to Baymard statistics, 27% of users leave the site due to a forgotten password or difficult registration. Yandex ID solves this problem and makes the site or application more accessible to 100 million Yandex users

Data is safe
We only share data with the consent of the user. You can request:
- email
- date of birth
- user avatar
- first name, last name, gender and login in Yandex
- phone, but the user himself chooses whether to leave it or not

Wherever needed
Yandex ID can be added wherever authorization is needed. And this is not only the entrance and registration, but also less obvious places. For everyone, you can choose the appropriate Yandex ID design - a technical specialist can easily set it up using ready-made JavaScript code

Instant Login Widget
A prominent widget that can be added at any stage of the funnel. Yandex ID will automatically add data where they need to be entered in a couple of seconds - this simplifies the user's task and increases conversion. It is important that nothing overlaps

On the main page // To personalize the site from the first minutes on it
When going to the cart // To increase the conversion to checkout
At checkout // To increase conversions at funnel stages

Login buttons
We recommend adding buttons where the authorized user has more options. Let it be visible - the fewer clicks, the more users will use it

When registering // To make it fast and convenient - without profiles and password
In the header of the site or menu // So that the user can log in at any time
Next to reviews and comments // To make it easier to leave them

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