Art Timeline Art Timeline Joomla! component allows display highly-configurable timelines and their events. * Create highly-customizable timelines and events * Customizable colors, images, timeline direction, event bubble properties, interval pixels and units (millisecods, second, ... , day, week, ... , century, millenium) * Ability to generate... Art Timeline Art Timeline Joomla! component allows display highly-configurable timelines and their events. * Create highly-customizable timelines and events * Customizable colors, images, timeline direction, event bubble properties, interval pixels and units (millisecods, second, ... , day, week, ... , century, millenium) * Ability to generate timelines and events from existing Joomla! articles by entering section id and category id * Timelines can be horizontal and vertical * Ability to generate timelines and events using SQL query * Vertical and horizontal directions * Events can be imported from CSV file * Access Rights support * Single-date and interval events * Events can have description, images, links * Customizable front-end messages * Customizable styles * Custom Javascript code support * Available timelines list view and single timeline view * Can be used as events manager and calendar * Timeline can be scrolled by mouse or by keyboard * Comes with free Art Timeline plugin that helps easy embed timelines in Joomla! articles * Events can be categorized and inherit styling options from the category the belong to - icon, color, etc. * K2 support - can generate timelines from K2 category items * Can build timeline on real time SQL query * Supports bands - additional small timeline rows * Supports mobile devices: iOS, Android
Art Timeline

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