Contact Enhanced Component Special Features: -CUSTOM FIELDS -GOOGLE MAPS and Directions -HTML Emails & Templates -CAPTCHA (reCaptcha & SecurImage) -MULTIPLE File upload -Newsletter integrations: Campaign Monitor, MailChimp, AcyMailing - Google Docs Spreadsheet integration; - Embed the form into articles - With FULL Version you can also use modules and other plugins; -... Contact Enhanced Component Special Features: -CUSTOM FIELDS -GOOGLE MAPS and Directions -HTML Emails & Templates -CAPTCHA (reCaptcha & SecurImage) -MULTIPLE File upload -Newsletter integrations: Campaign Monitor, MailChimp, AcyMailing - Google Docs Spreadsheet integration; - Embed the form into articles - With FULL Version you can also use modules and other plugins; - Compatible with MSSQL; Contacts Enhanced is a contact component based on Joomla Core contacts component with a few advantages: * Custom Fields: Now you can have as many custom fields as you wish. You can request whichever information you need from the users that contact you; Available field types: Text, Multitext(textarea), SelectList, Checkbox, Radiobutton, Date, Date Range, Number, Number Range, Multiple Files (ATTACHMENTS), SQL* ; * Captcha Image to prevent robots to fill the forms, in other words, to ensure that the response is not generated by a computer, available captcha engines: ReCAPTCHA, SecurImage, MathGuard; * Google Maps integration: Now you can easily add a map to the contact page; * If the user is logged in this script will get the name and email recorded in database, preventing the user to mistype his email * It will get your users IP Address, Browser, Operating System and Screen resolution * It uses MooTools (Joomla's default Javascript Library) to validate the form; * It is also Safer and more reliable * You can set each form to redirect to a specific page when the message is successfully sent * Integration with Newsletter system Campaign Monitor, MailChimp and AcyMailing; * Feedback plugin; MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS * Joomla 1.6 or newer (including 2.5 and 3.0); OR * Joomla 1.5.15 or newer; - PHP 5 Custom Fields Available Text Field CheckBox Date Date range Free text Hidden input Multi-text (textarea) Multiple File Upload Number Number Range Password Radio Button Select List SQL (get data from your database) Multiple SQL; Campaign Monitor (newsletter integration); AcyMailing Newsletter Integration; MailChimp Newsletter Integration; Advanced Custom Fields Javascript (add js code to the page); CSS (add css code to the page); PHP (add php code to the page); Pagination Button
Contact Enhanced Component

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