Ozio Gallery Ozio Gallery is a photo gallery designed for Joomla 2.5 or newer, written in javascript which shows images published on Google plus. We want to present you the new Fuerte skin in the Ozio Gallery extension – the first FREE responsive and adaptive Joomla 2.5 Image Gallery! Ozio Gallery is made in Italy by https://www.joomla.it Project in Google c... Ozio Gallery Ozio Gallery is a photo gallery designed for Joomla 2.5 or newer, written in javascript which shows images published on Google plus. We want to present you the new Fuerte skin in the Ozio Gallery extension – the first FREE responsive and adaptive Joomla 2.5 Image Gallery! Ozio Gallery is made in Italy by https://www.joomla.it Project in Google code: https://code.google.com/p/oziogallery2 Load image from Google Plus album. Unlimited photo uploads. Automatically photo resized. Category and image title. Show limited albums from Google Plus. Support for adding image galleries inside your Joomla! articles. Links that go directly to a single image.(Deep Linking). You can also share photos in your site directly from your Android phone or iPhone. Adaptive, detects your visitor's browser windows size and automatically creates, caches, and delivers device appropriate re-scaled versions of images. Native Joomla extension, open source and GPL. To insert a gallery inside Joomla content follow this simple procedure: - Create a menu item relating to the gallery you want. - Access the administration page of the component Ozio Gallery, menu Components -> Ozio Gallery, on the right side are visible all the galleries published, and the plugin code to be copied. Copy the code referring to the plugin you wish to enter in a content. - Access to the content of Joomla where you want to enter the gallery, and paste the previously copied code where you want, save and view the article from frontend. To change the size of the gallery included and change the other parameters is necessary to refer to the respective menu item. For those who want to remove or change the title of the menu item from above the gallery, act in Parameters (System) of the respective menu item, setting a new page title, or by setting the parameter Show Page Title to No. By performing this procedure, are published both the menu item and the gallery content. For those who do not want to have the menu item visible on the site, we advised to create a new menu titled Hidden, and create in this menu the menu item for the gallery to be included in the content. Is automatically created a new module for the new Hidden menu, this module is not active and should be left as inactive. In this way the galleries created with this new hidden menu will be included in the contents and belong only to content that is pasted in the code of the plugin. Changelog Ozio Gallery 3.3.9 : 24 May 2013 : Removed Deep Linking :( . New parameter for the date of the Album. Rewritten code Fuerte skin, now in Ajax and JSON. Title eliminable in "List of galleries". Fixed conflict with responsive template. Fixed conflicts with the backgrounds of the template. Minor fixes 3.3.8 : 18 Dic 2012 : Added a new view "List of galleries". Meta Tags fixes. 3.3.7 : 30 Nov 2012 : Minor bug fixes. Joomla ACL support. 3.3.6 : 19 Oct 2012 : An harmless warni
Ozio Gallery

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