Google Summer of Code Banner

We currently have several students who are participating in the GSoC Mailing List discussions and deciding on which project they want to tackle this year from the Joomla 2014 GSoC Project Ideas list. But we would really like to see as many students as possible take advantage of this great opportunity.
A few short weeks ago, Joomla was accepted into the 2014 Google Summer of Code! That makes 8 years that the Joomla project has participated as a Mentor Organization and we’re excited to take part again this year.

Deadline for 2014 Google Summer of Code Student Applications March 21, 2014 19:00 UTC

What is Google Summer of Code?

Google Summer of Code is a program designed to encourage university student participation in open source software development.

Some quick facts about the Google Summer of Code program.

  • GSoC gives students an opportunity to work on real-world software development projects.
  • Encourages students to get involved in Open Source projects, bringing new developers into our ecosystem.
  • Students gain new skills and make new contacts in the Open Source community.
  • Allows students to work with mentors that can share experience and knowledge with them.
  • Students who pass their midterm and final evaluations will be paid a stipend by Google for their work in Joomla. This year, the stipend has increased to $5500 USD for students.

Joomla and the Google Summer of Code 2014

We have set up a Google Mailing List that is open to the public, as well as a new section outlining this year’s Joomla GSoC and a Project Ideas List on the Joomla Documentation website. Here’s some links for you to find out more.

Joomla GSoC 2014 Student Signup Information

Joomla GSoC 2014 Project Ideas List

Joomla GSoC 2014 Mailing List!forum/joomla-gsoc-2014

You can find out all the information you need and more on those pages. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask a question on the Mailing List and someone will be happy to help.

Don’t Forget! Student Application deadline is: March 21, 2014 19:00 UTC

Thanks to all the great mentors for participating in this year’s Joomla GSoC project. We’re already seeing a lot of support from this group of great volunteers and looking forward to see the progress they make with their students through the summer!

Thanks to Chad Windnagle for putting this year’s project together. The man is a machine when it comes to project management and organization. I’m happy to be under his tutelage as a co-admin for this year’s project.
- Robert Vining and the Joomla GSoC Team!

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