This agreement is for people who work for an organization where the organization owns the copyright of the contributed programming code. Please follow the instructions below. Thanks!
- Signature: Enter your full legal name.
- Company: Enter the company name.
- Title: Enter your job title at the company.
- Address: Enter the company's complete mailing address,
This agreement is for people who work for an organization where the organization owns the copyright of the contributed programming code. Please follow the instructions below. Thanks!
- Signature: Enter your full legal name.
- Company: Enter the company name.
- Title: Enter your job title at the company.
- Address: Enter the company's complete mailing address, including city, state or province, and country.
- Phone: Enter your complete phone number, including country code and area code.
- Email: Enter the email address where you can be reached if there are questions about this form.
- Username: Enter your user name you registered on the Joomlacode website. If you don't have a user name for Joomlacode, please create one there before signing this form.
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