Joomla Extension Directory. Meeting
- December 03, 2021
Participants: Oh Martin, Dénes Székely, Tom van
der Laan, Llewellyn van der Merwe (Team Lead)
Absent with notice:Mark Lee, Mark Fleeson (Jed 4
Developer), Anibal Sanchez, Jaz Parkyn (Assistant Team Lead), Luca
Marzo, Tobias Zulauf (JSST Liaison), Wilco Alsemgeest (Department
Coordinator), Hugh Douglas-Smith, Claire Mandville
Team Organization: Llewellyn van der Merwe, Jaz Parkyn
- We are looking for more volunteers in the JED to help with listings and support tickets.
- We would like to move the meeting time so that more of the JED members can attend the meetings.
Extension Listings: Anibal Sanchez, Tom van der Laan, Oh Martin
- Extension listings are being done weekly.