p { margin: 1.2em 0em 1.35em 0em; line-height: 1.4em; } a { color: #1144bb; } @media only screen and (max-device-width: 480px) { html { padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } body { padding: 0px !important; } #maintable, #toptable { width: 320px !important; } } ...

This week's JavaScript news

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JavaScript Weekly

Issue #137 - July 5, 2013

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p { margin: 1.2em 0em 1.35em 0em; line-height: 1.4em; } a { color: #1144bb; } @media only screen and (max-device-width: 480px) { html { padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } body { padding: 0px !important; } #maintable, #toptable { width: 320px !important; } }

This week's JavaScript news

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JavaScript Weekly

Issue #137 - July 5, 2013

Welcome to issue 137 of JavaScript Weekly. Dr. Axel is away giving a keynote at Spain JS (wish him luck @rauschma!) so it's Peter back at the helm for this issue :-) In other news, we just passed 50,000 subscribers this week so thanks to all of you for your support, we really appreciate it.


jQuery (Conference) Heading to Austin - September 10/11
Adam J. Sontag announced that there's going to be an official jQuery conference in Austin, TX over September 10 and 11. The call for proposals is only open for 9 more days if you wish to speak and tickets are already on sale.

jQuery 1.10.2 and 2.0.3 Released (Bug Fix Releases)

Five Patterns to Help You Tame Asynchronous JavaScript
Jim Cowart looks at callbacks, observers/events, messaging, promises, and finite state machines, along with the pros and cons of each. A lot to read and many links to enjoy here.

From our Sponsor

This Week's JavaScript News – Issue 137An Army is Forming to Battle Patent Trolls
We aren’t going to take it. At Rackspace, we’ve always been vocal in our opposition of patent trolls and their attempts to extort settlements from businesses that actually create value, but we have taken action. An army is forming and preparing for battle. See who has joined in the fight against patent trolls. When will you join?


Basic JavaScript: An Introduction to The Language
This blog post enables you to get started with JavaScript as quickly as possible – if you already know how to program. It describes the smallest subset of the language that allows you to be productive. Perhaps one to forward on to other team members?

AngularJS: An Overview
Glenn Stovall presents a simple overview of Google's MVW (Model, View, Whatever!) framework along with short code examples.

Introducing JsRT – Embedding JavaScript on Windows
As part of the IE11 preview, the Chakra engine now has a fully supported public API called JsRT API (JavaScript RunTime API).

Building a JavaScript Library with Grunt.js
Mária Jurčovičová details step-by-step how to build JavaScript libraries using Grunt.js. Also useful as just an introduction to integrating Grunt into your workflow.

Getting Started with Three.js
Three.js is a cross-browser JavaScript library for working with 3D graphics in the browser using WebGL. This short post provides an introduction to using it.

asm.js: It’s Fast, Backwards Compatible, and Now in a Release Build of Firefox

Adding Rules to Stylesheets with JavaScript
Dynamically add and remove styles directly to a stylesheet with JavaScript.

Building a Web App From Scratch in AngularJS

Modular JavaScript Using Require.Js
Also digs into use alongside ASP.NET MVC and TypeScript (i.e. it leans towards the MS stack).

'Disable JavaScript' Checkbox Removed from Firefox 23's Options Panel

Intermediate Ember Controller Concepts

Using Cocktail to Create Mixins for Backbone Models

The Value of valueOf


Perf The Web Forward
At his JSConf 2013 talk, John-David Dalton (co-maintainer of jsperf.com) calls on us to 'perf the web forward' as he discusses commonly overlooked performance issues, rethinks established code patterns, and shares tips you can apply to your own projects and favorite libraries.

TypeScript: Application-Scale JavaScript
A talk from Microsoft's BUILD conference about a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript and adds optional static types, classes, and modules. Given by Anders Hejlsberg, core developer of TypeScript and architect of C#.

The Ember vs Angular Cage Match
At NDC 2013, Tom Dale, Rob Conery and I presented a live 'cage match' between the two popular frameworks.

jQuery Conference 2013 Videos
Videos from the recent jQuery Conference in San Francisco have been released gradually on YouTube and there are currently 12 to enjoy.

ClojureScript: Lisp's Revenge
A look at how ClojureScript offers a "genuinely futuristic approach (by way of the past) to client side software development" by David Nolen. 42 minutes long.

Backbone.js 5 Part Screencast Series
A set of (paid) screencasts walking through building a Backbone.js-based app from installation and learning what Backbone is through to saving to a server side API.

JavaScript's Slightly Stricter Mode
Glen Maddern looks at what ECMAScript 5's 'strict' mode is about and why you'd want to use it.

Code, Libraries and Tools

Using ES6 Modules Today
ES6 modules are set to form the standard module format for the web. Instead of waiting around for browsers to support the new syntax, it is now possible to use them directly in all browsers today using the ES6 loader polyfill.

Babylon.js: A Framework for Building 3D Games with HTML 5 and WebGL

BromBone: Making AJAX-based Sites Crawlable
A no-install, third party service for testing pages, performing tests, etc. Not cheap but an interesting idea.

Kodiak JavaScript: A Forthcoming iPad IDE for JavaScript developers


WANTED: Backbone Experts for Boston, NYC & Charlotte
Are you committed to advancing the open web at an enterprise level? We are. We are looking for developers at all levels. Strong HTML5/CSS3 & core JavaScript skills are required. Backbone and/or other MVC experience is a serious plus.

PHP/Web Developer
We’re looking for a web developer to join our growing team! As a developer at Adfero, you'll work alongside our team of developers, designers and communicators, and use great technologies like Drupal, D3 and Node.js to build awesome projects for our clients.

Post a job in a future issue of JavaScript Weekly

Last but not least..

jsDelivr - Free CDN for JS Libraries, jQuery Plugins, CSS Frameworks, and More
Currently hosts 646 projects.

Editor: Dr. Axel Rauschmayer | Publisher in Chief: Peter Cooper

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