Tempo: The Easiest Way to Work With Dates in JavaScript

Tempo is a new date package designed to be small and is the easiest way to work with dates in JavaScript and TypeScript:

Tempo is a new library in a proud tradition of JavaScript date and time libraries. Inspired by the likes of moment.js, day.js, and date-fns, Tempo is built from the ground up to be as small and easy to use as possible — including first-class support for timezone operations.

It includes a collection of utilities for working with JavaScript’s native Date object, such as format and parse:

import { format, parse } from "@formkit/tempo"

const readable = format(new Date(), "full"); // Sunday, February 18, 2024

parse(readable, "full"); // Date: 2024-02-18T07:00:00.000Z

Tempo comes with a variety of format styles (i.e., full in the previous example) and tokens for formatting dates in any way you might need. You can also find a large number of modifiers and timezone support:

import { addDay, tzDate } from "@formkit/tempo"

// Add 1 day
addDay("2013-03-15"); // 2013-03-16T07:00:00.000Z

// Produces the date for 12 noon Nov 18, 2013 in New York
tzDate("2013-11-18 12:00", "America/New_York")

Tempo looks impressive, offering much of what you'd need to work with dates and has excellent documentation around its functionality; you can get started by reading the docs at tempo.formkit.com. The source code is also available on GitHub at formkit/tempo.

The post Tempo: The Easiest Way to Work With Dates in JavaScript appeared first on Laravel News.

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