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Wait - what? A content management system changing lives? Surely that can’t be a thing? Well, turns out it is. Like every other free and open source software, Joomla makes it possible for millions of people worldwide to change their life for the better. So: free, yes, but priceless in what it brings to us. JCM asked 19 people just one simple question: how did Joomla change your life? Read their inspiring stories!
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Wonderful news! At the moment of writing, it's Joomla’s (19th) birthday.
But what is Joomla, and what are we celebrating?
Joomla is a content management system (CMS) as we all know. However, beyond this, Joomla is all the people who support it. A huge community of volunteers who are there to build, develop, extend, teach, communicate, advocate, and so much more.
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A few days are left for the next episode of Joomla’s legendary Pizza, Bugs & Fun 2024.2 event. So prepare your GitHub account or check your documentation credentials, because you’ll need this. With Joomla 5.2 coming, there is a lot to do. Be ready on August 24th, 2024 to get your pizza and help Joomla to get release ready. Whether you're a seasoned Joomla enthusiast or new to the scene, PBF 2024.2 offers a unique opportunity to make a real difference while enjoying some fun and free pizza.
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If you’ve been building websites for some time you may just reach for your favourite CMS without thinking much about why you use it. However you might need to give some justification to a client, especially one with some knowledge of website building tools, as to why Joomla 5 is the best CMS for their new site.
I assume we all make assumptions ?, and often there’s no harm in this at all. But when it comes to written communication, which happens a lot in our community (think GitHub and Mattermost) things can easily go pear shaped when assumptions are made. Assumptions going rogue can lead to anger, sleepless nights, teams falling apart, volunteers rage quitting, work not being done and a ruined reputation (for the volunteer(s) involved and for Joomla). How does this happen, and how can we prevent it from happening?
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